The project “Conservation of selected habitats and species in Ostoja Słowińska PLH220023 and Pobrzeże Słowińskie PLB220003 Stage I" is being carried out from the Financial Instrument LIFE+ which focuses exclusively on co-financing of projects in areas such as environmental protection, the improvement of the quality of the environment, the human impact on climate change and adaptation to its changes. The main objective of this Instrument is to support the implementation of Community environmental law, environmental policy and the identification and promotion of new solutions to the problems concerning the protection of the environment.

The project LIFE13 NAT/PL/000018 received support within the sub-component Life+ Nature which focuses on financing of the measures implementing the provisions of the two EU directives: "Birds Directive" (79/409/EC) and "Habitats Directive” (92/43/EEC) which are the basis for the functioning of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000. The main objective of functioning of this youngest form of environmental protection is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species which are regarded as valuable and endangered across Europe. The second aim is to protect biological diversity.

The project LIFENaturaSlowinskaPL is estimated for the amount of 3 119 500 €, out of which:

  • The European Commission awarded on this target 33,67% of its value.
    i.e. 1 050 185 € under agreement no. LIFE13 NAT/PL/000018.
  • Support in its accomplishment has also been granted by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw which under the agreement No. 463/2014/Wu-11/OP-WK-LF/D finances specific tasks for the amount of 875 247 € (28,06%).
  • The amount of 402 216 € is the own contribution of the Słowiński National Park.
  • The amount of 791 852 € is the own contribution of the State Water Farm POLISH WATERS.

The project has been carried out since 1st January 2015 and is planned to be completed on 30 September 2023.