Natura 2000 is an all-European network of protected areas. The main purpose of its functioning is to preserve specified types of natural habitats and species which are considered to be precious and endangered in the scale of Europe (on account of preserving the natural heritage of Europe). The second superior purpose of the network is protection of diversity of biological and natural ecological processes that occur in nature.
The basis of functioning of the network are two EU directives – Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 30th November 2009 on the protection of wild fowl (“Birds Directive”) and Directive 92/43/EEC of the Council of 21st May 1992 on the protection of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora („Habitats Directive”). In accordance with the Directives mentioned above every Member State of the European Union is obligated to provide natural habitats, species of plants and animals (mentioned in annexes the directives) favourable conditions for development, proper protection and care of reconstruction and retaining their good (proper) state. The EU Member States are carrying out this task through creating of areas of special protection of birds (SPA) and special areas of habitats protection (SAC).
Poland has committed herself to mark in her territory the network of areas Nature 2000, together with the signing on 16th April 2003 the Treaty of Accession of 2003 constituting the legal basis of our country’s access to the European Union. The EU being the foundation of creating Nature 2000 network were introduced the Polish legislation through the Law of 16th April 2004 on nature protection (the Journal of Laws from year 2013, entry 627 with subsequent amendments) thus making Nature 2000 the youngest form of nature protection in Poland. (detailed information on