Within the framework of the project the achieving of the results is planned such as:

  1. Water regime adapted to the needs of life of Charadriiformes birds on the surface 360 hectares.
  2. Periodically flooded meadows by the water of the Gardno lake on the surface of 51 hectares.
  3. Renaturation of 7 oxbows (3150-2) in the Łupawa river valley.
  4. Renaturation of lowland and foothill river by the groups of water-crowfoots (3260-1) at the distance of 2.3 kilometres and natural flood terraces of the Łupawa river on the surface of approximately 20 hectares, and a characteristic flora including priority of alder and ash riverside forest (*91E0-3).
  5. Passability of the Łupawa river ecosystem corridor for migrant fish and for lampreys (at least 5 species which undertake reproductive migrations).
  6. Environmental education of minimum of 1000 inhabitants of the PLH220023 Słowiński Special Protection Area and PLB220003 Pobrzeże Słowińskie. Dissemination of information on the project and about PLH220023 Ostoja Słowińska and PLB220003 Pobrzeże Słowińskie among 6000 people.
  7. Limitation of tourist pressure on 360 hectares - the polders of the Gardno lake IX and X.