On 4 and 5 July 2017, once again we had the pleasure hosting Mrs Edyta Owadowska-Cornil, the external Project Monitor, who, since the beginning of the project "Conservation of selected habitats and species in Ostoja Słowińska PLH220023 and Pobrzeże Słowińskie PLB220003 Stage I", supports and supervises its implementation on behalf of the European Commission. The monitor's task is also to advise on the activities planned in the project and mediating the contact between project team and European Union.

During the two-day visit of Mrs. Edyta Owadowska-Cornil, the present state of work progress on the project was discussed. On the second day, a visit to the area of the project implementation was made, during which the effects of reed reaping and natural conditions for realization of the renaturalisation of the bottom of the Łupawa river valley were presented. Another visit of the Project Monitor is planned next year.


Pic. 1. Presentation of the reed reaping area


Pic. 2. A visit over the Łupawa river in the section covered by the operation aimed at renaturation of the bottom of the valley.