We are pleased to inform you that a photo contest entitled W OBiEKTYWiE – PTAKi OSTOi SŁOWiŃSKiEJ i POBRZEŻA SŁOWiŃSKiEGO, realizowany w ramach projektu nr LIFE13 NAT/PL/000018 pn. „Ochrona wybranych siedlisk i gatunków priorytetowych Ostoi Słowińskiej PLH220023 i Pobrzeża Słowińskiego PLB220003 Etap I”, has been settled.


The jury after considering all the contributions already decided to award the work of the following photographs.


In the age group - children from primary schools:

  • I place: Nina Kłobukowska
  • II place: Julia Zawadzka
  • III place: Martyna Cichewicz


In the age group - young people from middle and high school:

  • I place: Grzegorz Boronko
  • II place: Iga Lao
  • III place: Natalia Kłobukowska


In the age group - over 19 years:

  • I place: Piotr Woźniak
  • II place: Aleksandra Rutkowska
  • III place: Erik Bajc
  • Distinction: Angelika Steciak



We would like to thank and congratulate all the participants of the competition.