A post-competition photography exhibition entitled “Through the lens – birds of Ostoja Słowińska and Pobrzeże Słowińskie” is being presented in the Museum of Nature of Slowinski National Park in Smoldzino.

We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with the exhibition!

The exhibition has been realized under the project no. LIFE13 NAT/PL/000018 entitled “Conservation of selected habitats and species in Ostoja Słowińska PLH220023 and Pobrzeże Słowińskie PLB220003 Stage I”

All you need to do is to guess what birds are shown in the 4 photos, as quickly as possible.  Photos with the mysterious birds will be placed individually on the Facebook page of Slowinski National Park, 30 of December, 2015. All 4 species of the birds should be written as a comment under the picture no. 4 (added last). Two people who first give the correct answer, will be awarded. There are two sleeping bags of reputable brand to be won.