On 3 March 2020 we participated in a meeting held at the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk. The goal of the meeting was to start a discussion on and share experiences and views concerning projects aimed at improving fish migration.The meeting was held as a part of the project called “Development, promotion and sustainable management of the Baltic Sea Region as a coastal fishing tourism destination” and started with a presentation of the objectives of this project.

On 28 November the Administrative Building of the Słowiński National Park in Smołdzin housed the 5th Meeting of the Steering Committee related to the implementation of the Project called “Ochrona wybranych siedlisk i gatunków priorytetowych Ostoi Słowińskiej PLH220023 i Pobrzeża Słowińskiego PLB220003 Etap I” (Protection of Selected Habitats and Priority Species of Ostoja Słowinska PLH 220023 and Pobrzeże Słowińskie PLB220003 Stage I).